News and Updates
Below is information and updates from our latest projects and investments here at Excel. We pride ourselves on the continuing innovation in the Welsh engineering sector.
Brand new 340KvA Spot Welder
In November of 2023 we had our brand new Serra Alpha 340KvA spot welder installed and commissioned. this new spot welder is able to not only spot weld steel and stainless steel, but aluminium too which will help us to attract more work and potentially new customers by reducing the cost and time needed to weld aluminium panels and sheets.

Robot welding Cell

Initially installed and commissioned for a specific customers high quantity job, this robot welding cell features two separate ABB 2600-ID robotic arms that can weld parts in 6 different axis. In addition the main swinging arm that holds the parts has 2 axis that it can utilize bringing the total up to 8 axis. This cell has substantially increased our efficiency and reduced our price per part. Introducing automation into our company is just one of the way we are trying to advance our company and the industry.
New Multi-axis Lathe
With our customers demanding lower costs and more complex parts we invested in a new twin spindle multi-axis lathe from DMG MORI. The NLX 2500/700 is a very capable live tooling lathe that allows us to machine parts that have features on all sides using one machine.
Instead of having to take parts to another machine or a VMC we have them finished before they even leave the chuck.
Check out the capabilities of this machine below!

Dual Station Robot Welding Cell
With the installation of our dual station welding cell e boosted productivity and lowered costs for a range of parts and products.
This cell has two robot arms that can either work separately on different parts or together on one part using a handshake programming software that allows the arms to interact with each other without a collision.